10 Tips to Write Great Web Content


Reading on the internet can be quite different than flicking through a book, so it makes sense that writing for the web is also a little different. Here’s some handy tips to creating good web content for your business website.


No don’t kiss the screen, but stick to the principles of Keep It Simple Stupid. This means get to the point quickly and concisely so that people can understand exactly what your business does and how you will benefit them. When writing your web content, you can still describe things using adjectives, but best to leave out the flowery language that is difficult for people to read and understand.

2. Have a Clear Headline

A simple, short and clear headline is one of the best ways to engage people to read your business website. It should tell them exactly what the page is about so they know whether they want to read on. You can then go on to write a more detailed description for them.

3. Use Lists and Sub-Headings

Using dot points and lists makes a huge difference to your web content. Lists do the following:

  • Make it easier for people to scan what you are saying
  • Lets you show a range of ideas in a shorter space
  • Are remembered better by people

Like lists, breaking up your paragraphs using sub-headings makes it much easier for people to scan your page and understand what you are trying to say. They can then pick and choose what parts they want to read. Just make sure you keep your sub-headings short and snappy.

4. Make it Visually Appealing

Some of the best content on the internet are those that have no words. Including at least one photograph or visual content on each page will help break up the words, making the site much better to look at. It is also a great way to engage people and show them what you are talking about.

5. Don’t Duplicate Information

It’s not necessary to keep saying the same thing over and over again in different words on your website. The trick is to convey exactly what you want to without repeating yourself. Each paragraph should talk about a different idea and each page of your business website should provide new information. If your website has been laid out well, your visitors will find exactly what they need to easily.

6. Include Relevant Links

By linking to other pages on your site, or other external information like research, you can highlight the phrase you are linking to especially when it’s underlined in blue. This makes the phrase stand out and it also helps improve your page’s SEO. Being able to link to other web content is one of the advantages of the internet so don’t be afraid to use it.

7. Proofread

Proofreading can be one of the most difficult parts of writing. Just when you’re sick of looking at the same words, you have to read them again and again. If you find proofreading difficult then it’s best to find someone else who can do it for you. The reason it’s so important is because you want to portray your business professionally and typos and spelling mistakes on your business website will detract from that.

8. Include a Call To Action

You want to get your point across and give people a reason to contact you. So while you can explain what you do, it’s not necessary to explain exactly how you do it. Instead make sure you include a “Call to Action” such as “If you want to find out more you can contact us”. Other more immediate call to actions include freebies or discounts (like “We will give you 50% off your first purchase”) which encourages people to try you out.

9. Talk to Your Audience

It’s very easy to talk at someone on the web rather than talk to them but it is far less interesting for the reader. Try and keep the reader at the top of your mind and write for them. For example using words like “you will find” when describing the benefits of your products is much better than “we do this”. People are interested in what’s in it for them, not what you get out of it.

10. Make Sure You are Easy to Find

I know it sounds logical, but you’d be surprised how many websites don’t make it easy to find how to contact someone. Always have a Contact page that is easy to find on the menu bar and make sure that it includes all the ways someone can contact you (your address, email, phone, Facebook and other social media platforms). Then make sure these are updated and you have someone who responds to them. There is nothing worse than writing a question to an email address you found on a website and never getting a response.


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