7 Reasons Why You Should Start Selling Food Online

Did you know that in 2017, an estimated 1.66 billion people worldwide purchased goods online?

That’s a whopping amount of online shoppers!

Now more than ever, shoppers are making their purchases from the comfort of their couch. Whether it’s clothing, technology or toys, a lot of money is being spent online.

But what about selling food online? Has that stepped into the digital age yet? Read on to find out.

Selling Food Online

The demand for selling food products online has been rising quickly. This is mainly due to the rapid increase of internet users around the world.

Many customers no longer like to stand in queues at the local supermarket, and would much rather do their groceries with a few taps on their device.

From weekly grocery shopping to ready cooked meals, online food shopping has crossed over all categories.

There are many legitimate reasons to start selling food products online. Read on to find out 7 of the best reasons to transfer your bricks and mortar shop to an E-Commerce store today.

1. Digital Marketing Is Way Better

One of the biggest advantages of selling food products online is that you can market your products digitally. This means you have social media, content marketing, online ads, influence marketing and even more at your disposal.

Whereas traditional advertising is slow and limited, online promotion can open your products up to the world.

This is also true for advertising new products. For instance, if you’re selling baked goods online and have invented something new, you can share it on social media. People love to share new and novel foods on their social media accounts.

So catch up with the trend and get your products out there. You never know, your content might even go viral!

2. Develop a Fan Base

Through digital marketing, you could develop a large fan base. And depending on where you ship too, your fans could come from all over the world. That’s a pretty cool notion.

Your happy customers will no doubt leave good reviews and positive feedback, which will attract more customers. Potential customers will browse through the reviews and become new fans.

Maintaining high ratings is key to finding customers and keeping them.

3. Keep in Touch

For a brick and mortar shop, unless you have your customers address, you can’t entice them back into the store.

But through an online shop, you have your customer’s email address at your disposal. You can send them promotions, sales, and a variety of enticements to bring them back to your online store.

Through social media, you can also get their taste buds tingling with scrumptious photos of foods that can be bought in your store.

4. Niche Markets

In the past few years, many millennials have also been opting for niche food products. For instance, vegan food products, food for certain dietary requirements or organic options. These specific choices are often not found in physical stores, which leaves buyers looking elsewhere.

Try to hone in on a niche market which will give your online shop a unique trendy twist. The goal is to offer products that you can’t find in general supermarkets.

For example, if a customer needs milk, they’ll head down to the local supermarket and buy some. But if they are looking for a specific, exotic food of some kind, they’ll have to search elsewhere. And that’s where your online shop comes in.

5. Fulfilled Expectations

The food trade is the easiest trade for online shopping. For example, if a customer buys clothes from an online store, it might not fit, or it might not look like it does in the photos. This means many returns.

However, when ordering groceries and food online, customers generally know what to expect. Many go for brands they already know and trust. This means you’ll get fewer returns and mostly satisfied customers.

6. A Convenient Shopping Experience

Online shoppers will also enjoy this convenient shopping experience. With just a few clicks of a mouse, the perfectly chosen meal can be prepared and sent directly to their doorstep. It’s just too easy!

Online shopping is especially beneficial for customers with additional needs. For instance, if they are elderly, disabled, or just feeling unwell. Instead of having to traipse down to the shops, or by paying someone to do it for them, online shopping is the most convenient way for them to get food delivered to their home.

7. Save Some Dosh

Your online store can also save you quite a lot of money. For instance, you won’t need as many staff members. And you can cut down immensely on utility bills.

You also won’t need to buy or pay rent for a physical store in a top location. You could work from home, or if needed you could rent a warehouse somewhere off the beaten track. Location is no issue when it comes to an online shop.

Don’t Forget Health and Safety

Whether your store is physical or online, you still need to follow your countries health and safety standards. Check out the local selling food online laws and regulations before you begin.

Don’t forget to acquire any needed licenses and permits. If you’re already selling food in a store, you’ll no doubt have all the required paperwork. But it’s always good to check if anything else is needed when you move your store online.

Label your products well. While some customers don’t care much about the ingredients, others need to know every specific ingredient. Labelling your products with all the ingredients will cover your back if anyone has an allergic reaction to one of your products.

And lastly, before you send products here, there and everywhere, find out if there are any restrictions for shipping. This is especially important when sending perishable products internationally.

Step into the Digital Age

According to research, the average person now spends more time on their phone and laptop than they do sleeping! With the majority of the population spending huge amounts of time using technology, you’re more likely to succeed if you start selling food online. So why fight the statistics?

You might be a little apprehensive about making this big step. But there are several E-Commerce programs that can help you to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Contact us today for more information on how to transfer your physical store into an online one.

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