Creative Spark Interviews

Creative Spark Interviews

Creative Spark Interviews

We’re excited to introduce a new interview series on the blog today. Get your creative spark on, light a fire, take action, & get inspired!

When you’re a solopreneur or small business, you have to wear ALL the hats in your “team”.  It’s not always feasible to outsource everything you’d like to, at least not initially.  But we all need our support team around us, whether it’s helping us in the areas of technology, SEO, design, content, or coaching us in business and money mindset.

Our aim with these interviews is to give you some insight into these different areas of your business, and some tips and inspiration.  So check out our interviewees and make them part of your “virtual” team to support you and your business growth.

First up next week in our newsletter will be an interview with Kerry Rowett, a Kinesiologist who works with her predominantly entrepreneurial clients via Skype to help them clear blocks + align their energy so they can move forwards confidently towards their goals.

She is the creator of the Heal My Adrenal Fatigue eCourse, DIY Kinesiology Kit, and the Align + Attract online workshop, which will run early in 2015.  This course helps participants to “Align Your Energy, Attract More Clients + Make More Money.”  Sign up to hear more from Kerry at Awaken Kinesiology.

I loved this blog post of Kerry’s a few weeks ago, Why is it so damn hard?  This quote stood out:

You have a choice.  You can go into blame, feel like a victim, fixate on how unfair it all is, think others should change, feel angry at the situation, go into bitterness or wish someone would rescue you.

Or you can choose to face it head on.  You can stay curious.  Soften.  You can use this stuck, painful, “unfair” situation as your opportunity to learn, evolve and grow.

This could relate to a situation in your personal life, or quite often at times it comes up when you are working on the business of your dreams.  Sometimes things are just not flowing as you want.  You’re wondering where the next client is coming from, and WHEN! 

It can also be a general attitude to life – are you really committing to what you’re doing, or are you holding back?  Are you standing up and really putting yourself out there?  Or are you waiting for your website to be perfect, your sales copy to be just right, or clients to just magically find you?

Make sure you’ve signed up to our Creative newsletter before next Thursday, so you can read about Kerry’s thoughts on mindset and self-care tools, as well as accepting and trusting your personal power.  We’ve also got another batch of free stock images for you.




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