So You Want to Start a Blog?


Got an exciting new idea for a blog that you can’t stop thinking about?   Maybe you’ve got half-written blog posts in your head and on scraps of paper everywhere.

Why are you still thinking about it?


By davide ragusa

Earlier this year I started a new blog, I had some grand but vague idea of what it was going to be about, and 2 blog posts.  A few months later, still 2 blog posts, and no particular desire to keep writing for it.

It looks great, but has no underlying vision.  One post is about meditation, another is about Reiki, and the rest are links to food articles I’ve written for another website.  Dog’s breakfast anyone?  So there it sits, lonely and unloved.

Meanwhile, I’ve moved onto another idea!

Fickle yes, but I love this one, and it’s already so much more fleshy and expansive.  Off the top of my head I can think of a dozen blog posts, more pop up every day, and if I actually sat down to write a list I bet I could easily get 20-30.  That’s WEEKS of content, right there.

What’s the difference?

Connection – my new idea comes from a place of love and sharing.  I know – actually I really feel it – that it is information that people need, and will be able to use.  It was an idea that came to me and instantly expanded out in my mind, then on paper, to be so much more.

Whereas the previous blog idea wasn’t fleshed out and I didn’t know what I wanted it to be long term.  I just knew that I wanted to write and share my ideas and experiences.

Action – This is the big one – I did it.  I set it up, I wrote something, I made it look pretty (actually, that was my husband’s job!).  Even though I had no idea where it was going.  Even though I didn’t have 6 months of content planned, or a business idea and strategy associated.

But I went ahead anyway, I took steps forward, and in doing so I became so much clearer about what I wanted to do.  The other blog wasn’t a waste of time, it served to help me refine my ideas and realise what did, and didn’t work.

For so long I have kept my ideas in my head and not acted on them.  Too busy working, going out and having fun, then growing and raising children.

Not taking action is the worst thing I’ve done in my life.

I don’t regret the things I’ve tried and failed at, I’ve learnt something from all of them.  But not taking a risk to plant the seeds of new ideas and giving them the chance to grow has kept me stuck.

And that is the mistake I would urge you not to make.
Don’t wait until your idea is perfect in your mind.
Start a blog, get writing those posts, and press publish!

I know I’m lucky that we have a website business and I can start a blog anytime, with some expert guidance and help along the way from Nick.  Obviously, not everyone has a handy tech-husband about the house, but it is totally achievable to set up your own blog or website.

There are so many simple options out there now, including our Create Your Own plans.  Set up your own blog with a 30 day FREE trial.  There is just no excuse for not taking those steps forward!

Make it happen, go!  I’d love to hear what’s holding you back, drop me an email on st****@du************.com, or leave a comment on the Facebook page.


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