And so that was summer….


As the month rolled into March I realised two things, firstly we still hadn’t managed to get the first post out to welcome the new year and secondly that summer was over! Ouch!

Tathra Sunrise
Tathra Sunrise by Nicholas Duell

Over the summer we have been working pretty busily on the Creative Platoon platform.  We are pleased to announce that we have upgraded our server software with Nginx and Vanish to improve page loading speeds (that’s for the geeks), and we’ve added several hosting add-on packages that add a large range of website functionality options to our WordPress hosting .  These powerful packages are designed to assist your business in servicing your client base via your own website.  Over the next few weeks we will be releasing more detailed information about these packages and how you can take advantage of them.

We would also welcome Ally, Ange, Eve and Tottie, A.K.A.  The Chantoozies to the platform. After getting the band back together a couple of years ago, the girls were after a website to connect with their fan base and keep them up to date with gigs.  Check out their new website which was designed by us and features the The Musician hosting add-on package.

All excuses aside for a late first post of the year, welcome to Autumn and 2014!

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