Creative Spark Interview with Kerry Rowett

Creative Spark Interviews

Let’s talk foundations – inspiration + self-care.

Creative Spark Interview Kerry Rowett

Who inspires you most?  Or where do you find inspiration in your day to day life and work?

I was first inspired by Wayne Dyer and then Louise Hay back in my teens. I found “You Can Heal Your Life” life-changing, and it definitely started me on a self-love journey.

In recent years, I really like Danielle LaPorte’s energy. I find her brand of self-help really grounded and balanced, and her focus on feelings and desires is so useful for many of us who tend to get stuck in our heads.

Chris Guillebeau is a great example of a leader who keeps it real. He has such an amazing way of connecting. Leonie Dawson has built a beautiful empire in her own, unique way, and I’ve loved watching Denise Duffield-Thomas’ growth these past few years.

I’m inspired by many of my entrepreneurial friends and what they’re creating.

Aside from people, music is a big inspiration, and I often listen to music while working (except when I have client calls). Right this moment I’m listening to the “Black Sunrise DJ Set at Burning Man 2014” which is awesome.

I think a lot of us look to the next course, or self-help guru to guide us, but I’m learning that our power is really within us. 

What do you feel is really supportive in finding, accepting, and most importantly – trusting that personal power?

I SO agree with you. A lot of the work I do with my entrepreneurial clients, is to help them re-connect to their own wisdom and power.

The idea that there is a strategy, approach, formula or guru to follow (or tell you what to do) can be incredibly seductive, as can the belief that the answers are outside of you, or that you’ll feel GREAT once you achieve x, y, z.

I believe this line of thinking will only take you so far. It can’t be sustainable. At some point, you’re going to have to go within, and find your own guidance.

Plus, most of my clients see themselves as leaders. And that’s what leaders do: lead. So sometimes some of the work I’m doing with clients is helping them step into their own leadership – firstly of themselves.

This means showing up for yourself, and actually DOING the things you know you need to do to feel healthy and happy and to allow your business to thrive.

In terms of practices, tools and methods, that’s really personal and you have to explore and find out what works for you. I’d really encourage you to be guided by how different practices make you feel.

For example, if you feel pressured to fit in a meditation, stress the whole way through about whether you’re doing it right, and then feel frustrated about it afterwards, maybe that isn’t the right practice for you right now. Why force it? Maybe a run would better help you clear your mind.

I always encourage my clients to start small too. You don’t need to go do a 1.5 hour yoga class or whatever, you can start really small. Make it feel achievable and you’re more likely to sustain it.

Also, recognise that what works for you at one time in your life will be different to what works at another, depending on your energy levels and other practicalities. If you’re feeling really tired, explore some restorative, or Yin yoga. If you’re feeling stressed, try something more high-impact to help release the excess adrenaline. Listen to your body.

As well as kinesiology, what are the mindset and self-care tools that you use to keep you on track?

I love yoga and like to practice most days. I do go to classes when I can, but I most frequently do classes on

I really enjoy being able to choose between a range of teachers and styles, and the length of class I want. I mostly do Vinyasa Flow classes, which are a more active style of yoga.  Restorative yoga is brilliant when you’ve been spending a lot of time at a computer, or struggle to wind down. I’m also exploring Kundalini yoga recently, which has more of a focus on breath, and shifting your energy.

Most days I listen to guided meditations, I’ve used Belinda Davidson’s chakra meditation a lot this past year.  I like all of Sara Brooke’s meditations, and I just downloaded the 7 Levels of Abundance meditation app, which I’m really enjoying.

I stay focused on the basics of ensuring I drink enough water, get enough sleep and eat a well-balanced diet. I drink green smoothies and eat healthily, but I do love coffee too. Walking is really good for me and I try to get outside to walk each day.

Those basic building blocks sound kind of boring, but they can be the first things to go when when get busy or stressed, and they do make a huge difference.

I also usually wear Michelle McGrath’s Sacred Self alchemical oils (smell is so powerful!) and also really like The Liquid Crystals, which you take as drops. I use both with clients and they’re great for an extra energetic support in line with your current goals and intentions.

And finally, what are you reading or listening to that’s been helpful for you along your personal growth journey, or in your business?

In the early stages of my business, I learnt a lot from people like Havi Brooks (, Mark Silver (, Hiro Boga ( and Leonie Dawson (

Marie Forleo’s B-School was a huge turning point in my business when I first did it in 2012. I really do think it’s a must-do for any online business. Marie Forleo’s free videos are a great resource too.

In terms of books, some that I’ve found helpful include:

Return to Love – Marianne Williamson
Secrets of Six-Figure Women – Barbara Stanny
Get Rich, Lucky Bitch – Denise Duffield-Thomas
E-Squared – Pam Grout
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind – T Harv Eker
Change your thoughts, change your life – Wayne Dyer

Leave a comment and tell us – what’s your self-care gold that keeps you rocking?


Kerry Rowett is a Kinesiologist who works with her predominantly entrepreneurial clients via Skype to help them clear blocks + align their energy so they can move forwards confidently towards their goals.

She is the creator of the Heal My Adrenal Fatigue eCourse, DIY Kinesiology Kit and the Align + Attract online workshop, which will run early in 2015. This course helps participants to “Align Your Energy, Attract More Clients + Make More Money.” Sign up to hear more from Kerry at Awaken Kinesiology.


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