5 Steps to a Money Making Website


A few months ago I wrote about 5 easy ways to give your website a refresh

Here’s 5 more steps to make sure your website is working like the money making machine it should be, to capture your potential client’s interest and keep them there.

Recent Work
Update your showcase and testimonials, keep your portfolio fresh.  Don’t have any?  Take a deep breath and ask some of your favourite customers for some kind words, most people are more than happy to share the love by giving praise for someone they’ve enjoyed working with.

Or maybe you’ve been featured on some other blogs, websites, in a magazine?  Don’t be shy, put that logo on your site, and make sure you let people know!

Reach Out
Ask for feedback by creating a short survey to a small group of existing or past customers.  Find out whether they found what they needed easily, and whether any transactions they carried out went smoothly.

Post a question on your Facebook page or on Twitter to learn what your potential customers are looking for, what they most want help with, where they are stuck.

Check Your Statistics
Have you installed Google Analytics, if not, WHY?  If you think it’s too hard, read this blog post about setting up Google Analytics in under 60 seconds.

If you don’t know who is coming to your site because of what they searched for, and what they do once they are there – you are just not maximising your most important business tool.  Your website is there to promote you and your product or services, and to SELL.

Money Making Website

Check Under the Hood
If your site’s always running slow and crashes when too many people land there, it might be time to change hosting.  Look around and compare what’s on offer, don’t look at just the pricing, you want to know that you will get good customer service if you have a question.

Also, know exactly what you need; how many websites do you want to run off this hosting?

Will they assist you with transfer from your old host?  What backup and security features do they have in place?

Pretty much all hosts will promise you the “fastest speed” for your website but Google search to find out what people are really saying about the provider.

Go Mobile
Is your website mobile responsive, that is, does it look awesome on your iPhone and tablet?  The way people do business is changing, so much of your client traffic comes via a mobile device now.  25% of people only access the internet via a mobile device, according to this post & infographic from Hubspot.

If they get some awkward mess to navigate, chances are, they’ll click away to your competitor before you can say “time to upgrade”.  Might be time to look at doing a complete revamp.

So, what do you think?  Anything on this list that you can implement NOW?

Leave a comment and let us know – which of these is a problem for your website right now?




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