{FAQ} Yoast SEO Video Tutorials

Creative Platoon FAQs

Gaining confidence in managing your website search engine optimisation (SEO) settings can be a giant step for most business owners. Here is a bunch of videos that we think do a great job of explaining SEO, as well as using the SEO settings of the Yoast SEO plugin for your WordPress website.

This video gives an overview for beginners about SEO, page ranking, and how to get on the front page of the Google. It’s almost an hour long so settle in with a tea or coffee, it’s a great overview to understand the basics of search engine optimisation.

A must for all new website owners, or if you are in the planning stage of your website, this video goes through an SEO checklist for new websites that aren’t ranking.

For those who are after a quick guide to setting up and using The Yoast SEO Plugin on your WordPress website, and like to hear the Australia accent.  Warning – more technical stuff going on here than the previous ones.

This two-part video series is an in-depth tutorial of Yoast’s WordPress SEO setup configuration and use.

Part 1 – Yoast’s WordPress SEO setup configuration for overall website settings, including the Dashboard Titles & Meta settings, Social, XML Site Settings, Permalinks, Internal Links and the RSS settings.

Website administrators and new website owners, you NEED to watch the whole video, yes the WHOLE video, you need to know how your website is tuned under the bonnet.

Part 2 – Runs through the individual SEO configuration settings for posts, pages or custom post types (i.e. recipes or portfolio).  Website content producers and authors you NEED to watch this video, and yes – watch the WHOLE video.

Like the video above, this is another video on using the Yoast SEO plugin page/post tools for SEO optimisation.


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