Blogging For the B2B Market: 7 Important Things to Consider

Blogging For the B2B Market: 7 Important Things to Consider

When you’re targeting the B2B market, you might think blogging isn’t an effective strategy but this is far from the truth.

The people that make decisions for businesses do their research through blogs, whitepapers, and other online resources.

If your website doesn’t have a blog, you’re behind the times. Continue reading to learn how you can use your blog to market to your B2B consumers.

Blogging for the B2B Market

Being busy doesn’t keep decision makers from reading blogs. Blogs are helpful resources that often cuts down on the time it takes them to make a decision.

When your blog is set up properly and you’re delivering high-quality and helpful content, you’re going to see better conversions than you would without a proper blogging strategy.

1. Become an Industry Authority and Influencer

Becoming an industry authority is a no-brainer and your blog is one of the pieces to the puzzle. As an industry authority and a thought leader, you’ll be able to influence people easier and you’ll get opportunities that you otherwise would not have been able to get.

2. Stay Top of Mind

When you’re blogging frequently, people will come to read your latest posts to see what is happening in the industry. The updates and helpful information you share will keep your company top of mind for when they are ready to take the next step.

3. Blogs = Good SEO

Even if you don’t consider yourself to be savvy online, SEO is one of the things you need to learn. Blogs are great for SEO for multiple reasons but a couple of the biggest reasons are because it keeps your website fresh and active and because you can target more keywords.

The more keywords your website ranks for in Google and other search engines, the more potential you have to get additional traffic.

Keep in mind that organic traffic is not “free” like some people say since you do have to do work to gain SEO traffic. Make sure you have a way to measure how much money you’re investing in SEO and how much return you’re seeing.

Simply throwing a blog up is not going to get SEO results, but it is a good start. If you start blogging without SEO in mind, you can always go back and fix some parts of the blog but oftentimes everything has to be redone for the best results.

When you’re thinking about SEO for your blog, make sure you know how to do keyword research. You should also know the best practices for promoting your blog so your best content doesn’t go unread.

Share on your social media accounts and ask employees to do the same. Mention your blog in media interviews and more to get more attention and boost your SEO.

4. Get More Qualified Leads

Blogs help you attract more qualified leads for your company. When people know more about what you have to offer and they still submit their information, it is easier to close them. Most of the time they have a better idea of what you have to offer.

5. Increase Conversions

Creating content that is focused on converting will allow you to turn more of your qualified leads into buyers. If you know there are certain objections people have, you can address those objections either directly or indirectly.

Educating your potential customers through your blog is one of the fastest ways to turn a sceptical lead into someone that is ready to hear more.

6. Cost Effective

If you look at the cost of spending money on buying display ads or ads on the search engines, marketing through blogging can be very cost effective.

Whether you write your own blogs or if you hire a ghostwriter to take care of your content, the return that you get on your investment is most often very high. 

Blogging for a short period of time most likely won’t get the results that you want though, so you need to make sure you’re willing to commit to blogging for the long-run.

7. Long-Term Benefits

When you’re blogging you get long-term results unlike when you post a status update on Facebook, Linkedin or post a photo on Instagram. Since blog posts can be found through search engines, reshared on social media and quoted or cited as a source, they have a very long lifespan.

One of the ways you can make your blog posts last even longer is to focus on “evergreen” content. Evergreen content means content that will be relevant for a long period of time. Some content may continue to serve you for years in the future.

Even with evergreen content, you need to make sure you have the latest and best information available to your readers. If you update an older post, you can simply state that the post has been updated on that specific date. This is only necessary if it is a major update.

When you write blog posts, you can also repurpose the content and use it for social media posts. You can create a video from the content a well. There are many ways you can use your content to keep bringing in leads and sales for your company.

Boost Your Online Strategy

Now that you understand more about how you can engage with the B2B market, you don’t have to go it alone. We can help you through each step of the process.

Contact us today to get started so you can generate more leads and close more sales.

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