Adding a unit of measure to your product pricing

As ecommerce and selling online becomes ever more popular, the diversity of product types that businesses are looking to sell online is increasing. Not all these products are contained within a single unit. Some products are sold by weight or length/width, or at times the store would like to stipulate the unit quantities of a particular product.

Lucky, we can easily add a unit of measure for products on e-commerce websites that run on our platform. Every e-commerce website on our platform has this feature automatically activated.

If you are using WooCommerce to run your ecommerce store you can use this feature via the plugin WooCommerce Unit Of Measure.

To add a unit of measure to a particular product, navigate to the products list in the dashboard (Products > All Products), and select the product that you would like to add the unit of measure for.

The product edit screen will open with all the details for the product, navigate to the Product Data metabox and click on the Inventory tab. At the bottom of the tab information, you will see a Unit of Measure field.

Enter a unit of measure for the product ie kg and update the change. Now if you navigate to the product view on the front end you see that it has a ‘kg’ after the pricing.

This suffix will appear with the product pricing on the shop page, single product page, cart and checkout pages and in the line meta of customer orders both in the dashboard and on the customer’s invoice.

If you have a lot of products to add a unit of measure to, you can use the product cvs import/export functionality and add a unit of measure column with the title “meta:_woo_uom_input”. When importing the system will automatically align the data within this column as the unit of measure value.

If you have any further questions about the particular feature on your website please contact us via our support email.

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