Product Ordering System with WooCommerce

There are may cases where small business would like to offer online ordering from their website, without the complexities of a full ecommerce solution.

Cases for setting up an online ordering system may include:

  • The business already has offline invoicing system, and they just require a way to streamline incoming orders, or allow customers to submit orders out of business hours.
  • The business’s product range prices fluctuate on daily basis and would be too too hard to keep prices up to date.

With the WooCommerce plugin, one can easily turn their store into a simple ordering system for customers with the following snippet code.

add_filter( 'woocommerce_cart_needs_payment', '__return_false' );

This code removes the need for the order to be processed with payment gateway when the customer is checking out. Turning the ecommerce software into an ordering system.

What’s is really powerful about this system is that it has a central area where all orders are stored, which can be managed by a single business owner or a sales team, or allow multiple teams/departments to manage the orders.

WooCommerce also offers other great customisations like custom statuses for orders, email notifications and integrations with accounting software like Xero which allow businesses to build a highly customised online ordering system, that give details about the order to both staff and customers alike.

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