5 Selling Online Tips To Help Food Businesses Transition To E-commerce

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Around 18 percent of people reported buying their groceries online in 2017.
No matter what type of food-based business you’re running, the best way you can expand your reach is online. The ability to have food delivered at the touch of a few buttons is what drives people to use the internet to feed themselves.
If you want to jump in on this trend, you’ll need to follow a few selling online tips to make sure you’re getting plenty of business this way.
Here are 5 e-commerce selling tips for your food business:

1. Simplify the Ordering Process

If finding products, placing an order, and then paying requires too many steps, you’ll lose customers along the way. For that reason, you need to make the entire ordering process as fast and simple as possible.
The best way to do that is to use a simplified online store and shopping cart. While there are some fancier ones that may look nicer, they may also complicate the ordering process.

2. Be Accessible

Make sure your customers can get ahold of you if they have any problems during the ordering process. Your phone number and address along with operation hours should be prominently displayed on the website for customers to locate quickly and easily.
You may also consider having a live chat in place as some people may prefer communicating through a chat box rather than by phone. This will help improve customer experience which in turn makes them more likely to buy.

3. Speed Up Your Site

Think about what happened the last time you landed on a web page looking for information and it took too long to load. More than likely, you clicked away and went elsewhere for what you needed.
Customers will do the same with your website if it doesn’t load within 5 seconds of them clicking. Regularly check your website’s speed to make sure that it’s fast to keep your customers.

4. Get Reviews

Once your website is perfected, you need to start gathering positive online reviews for your business. Since people trust online reviews as much as they do a friend’s advice, these matter.
Carefully check the review platform’s rules since some prohibit directly asking customers for reviews. If they don’t, you may consider offering some coupons or other incentives to get people to review your business.

5. Start a Blog

This is by no means the least of these selling online tips. A blog is a powerful tool which you can use to drive traffic to your website. In fact, businesses that have blogs can see five times as much traffic when they regularly blog.
By using keywords related to your business, you will improve the ranking of your website. Then, when customers search for those terms, yours will be the first to pop up.

Want More Selling Online Tips?

If you want more information on how to sell online, then let us know. We can help set you up for success when it comes to moving your food industry business online.
Once we help you set up your e-commerce website, we can provide plenty more selling online tips to help your business reach its full potential.

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