Have you covered yourself legally on your website?

Terms & conditions, privacy policy, website disclaimer; is your business website covered?

We’ve got an interview coming up on the blog soon with Vanessa Emilio from Legal123, she has some interesting (and scary!) things to say about social media, and the common legal mistakes a lot of business owners make online.  Sneak peek:

“Second most common error: not having any terms and conditions or privacy policy. ASIC is now reviewing and fining websites as is the Privacy Commissioner, on a regular basis for non-compliance.” 

Ouch.  What’s the first most common error then?!

Make sure you’ve covered your backside!  Legal123 offer a website legals package containing all the bits you need, including a Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, and relevant Terms & Conditions.  All of which you can easily customise to your business, and you’ll be kept up to date with any changes in law.

We use and recommend them for all our websites, and this is our affiliate link, should you need to cover yourself.

This is a great infographic from Legal123 explaining what’s required to be displayed on your website.

++ Click Image to Enlarge ++
What Legals Do I Need for My Website
Source: What Legals Do I Need for My Website? from Legal123.com.au


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