Our Blog

Stay ahead of the curve with the latest insights from Duelling Pixels’ blog. We share valuable tips, industry trends, and best practices in web design, ecommerce, and digital marketing to help you keep your business at the forefront of innovation. 

  • Women shopping for jewelry in sunlit boutique

    Why Small Retailers Should Adopt Online Marketplace Software for Growth

    Introduction The retail landscape is rapidly evolving, and independent store owners are familiar with the pressure of adapting. Managing a retail business has never been more complex, from handling inventory to engaging with customers online. In addition to the challenges brought by the rise of e-commerce giants, it’s easy to feel like a small fish…

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    3 Truths About Having Your Own Business

    We all know the “good” bits about having your own business, but here’s 3 things I didn’t expect. You don’t have to do it the way everyone else does. Some things just have to be done a certain way, right? If you’re an accountant, you need to prepare a client’s taxes the way the Government…

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  • Creative Spark Interviews

    Creative Spark Interview with Kerry Rowett

    Let’s talk foundations – inspiration + self-care. Who inspires you most?  Or where do you find inspiration in your day to day life and work? I was first inspired by Wayne Dyer and then Louise Hay back in my teens. I found “You Can Heal Your Life” life-changing, and it definitely started me on a…

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  • Creative Spark Interviews

    Creative Spark Interviews

    We’re excited to introduce a new interview series on the blog today. Get your creative spark on, light a fire, take action, & get inspired! When you’re a solopreneur or small business, you have to wear ALL the hats in your “team”.  It’s not always feasible to outsource everything you’d like to, at least not…

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  • Have you covered yourself legally on your website?

    Terms & conditions, privacy policy, website disclaimer; is your business website covered? We’ve got an interview coming up on the blog soon with Vanessa Emilio from Legal123, she has some interesting (and scary!) things to say about social media, and the common legal mistakes a lot of business owners make online.  Sneak peek: “Second most…

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    Free stock photos to your inbox

    Our next little bundle of free stock photos is due to drop into your inbox on Thursday. Not a subscriber?  Well, quick!  Go sign up now! We send out a new batch every fortnight, along with some newsy bits and pieces about the latest goings on at Creative Platoon. Here’s a little taster of what’s…

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    Free Stock Photos for YOU!

    Yes, you read that right – we’re giving you free stock photos! Nick’s background is in photography and he still does the odd photography job, as well as retouching/post-production.  You can see more of his work here.  He’s always snapping away whenever we go out for a walk or day trip, and I’ve been saying…

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    5 Steps to Create A Website

    Whether you’re going into business online, or need a site to bring traffic to your bricks-and-mortar business, it’s totally achievable with today’s technology to do it yourself. Don’t know where to start?  Here’s the basics you’ll need to know to create a website. My Name is…? If you’ve already decided your website’s name, check if…

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    Website Design Tips: What IS the purpose of your website?

    No really, what is the purpose of your website? Is it to build an audience or earn authority?  Is it to sell a product or service like an eBook, e-course, coaching, or membership? Are you trying to build an online presence?  You should be answering yes to at least one of these questions. But why…

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    Do You Need a Website Makeover?

    If your site is looking a bit stale and static, here’s 5 easy ideas for a website makeover Change the Images Make sure any photos of you really show your personality and are recent, it’s always a bit weird when you meet someone in person (or on Skype!) and you can tell their website photos…

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    Friday Hot Links

    We know that it can be a hard task to find the right images, so we thought this deal would be worth checking out GraphicStock is offering 7 days of free downloads. For this week’s Friday Hots Links we have these two awesome posts: Developing a Better YouTube Strategy by Ezra Fishman The post will get you…

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