New Turnkey eCommerce Websites

eCommerce Australia Post integration

Turnkey eCommerce Websites – Coming very soon!

eCommerce Australia Post integration

We are super excited to announce something that we have been working on for the last few months.

Setting up an eCommerce website today can be tricky and confusing at the best of times. There are so many pieces of the puzzle that are required to be put together, elements that are online and offline. In truth, we have not met a client or potential client who has not correctly estimated the task required in setting up an eCommerce store. 

There are payment gateways, website/user security, legal information (required by Australian law), and postal/delivery integration to set up – just to name a few. Not to forgot, there are the offline processes to sort out too. What actually happens when you get an order, what is the process to fulfil the order?

Yes, there are solutions like SquaresSpace, BigCommerce, Shopify and Weebly that help put together some of the above online pieces, but unfortunately, they don’t really cater for the Australian store owner.  They charge in US dollars, and on top of the monthly hosting fee they can charge transaction fees for each sale. Then there is still the payment gateway fee to come out. And last but not least, as this is all charged in US Dollars you get slugged by your bank for currency conversion.

All this eats into your profits.

And still, you have only SOLD the product, not sent it yet. Most of these solutions do not have an Australian postal or courier service integrated into their system, so you will find yourself manually figuring out delivery costs.

The only solution really is build a custom website yourself or contract a developer to build one for you. Both options have associated costs whether it is time or money, that for a small store owner may be too much.

So we are throwing our hat into the ring.

Announcing DownUnder eCommerce. 

A range of turnkey eCommerce websites with Australia Post integration. Deployed on our servers in Sydney, DownUnder eCommerce is a hosted and managed-software solution powered by WordPress and WooCommerce. 

Take a sneak peek…. 

These pre-made website packages offer an awesome list of features including:

  • No Setup required!
  • Simple monthly or yearly billing
  • No transaction fees from us
  • Stripe and Paypal payment gateways
  • SSL Certificate included
  • Device responsive designs
  • Australia Post parcel integration
  • On page SEO tools
  • MailChimp integration
  • Google Analytics integration

Check out the full list of features

We are currently putting the final touches together, you can subscribe here to be the first to hear about DownUnder eCommerce’s availability.

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