Our Blog

Stay ahead of the curve with the latest insights from Duelling Pixels’ blog. We share valuable tips, industry trends, and best practices in web design, ecommerce, and digital marketing to help you keep your business at the forefront of innovation. 

  • Women shopping for jewelry in sunlit boutique

    Why Small Retailers Should Adopt Online Marketplace Software for Growth

    Introduction The retail landscape is rapidly evolving, and independent store owners are familiar with the pressure of adapting. Managing a retail business has never been more complex, from handling inventory to engaging with customers online. In addition to the challenges brought by the rise of e-commerce giants, it’s easy to feel like a small fish…

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  • Keyword Research

    There is a lot of buzz around at the moment about keyword research. But what is it exactly, and why should we be doing it for our website content? Firstly, I will do my best to give you a short history lesson. Just like in Flickr there are words associated with the image that help to…

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  • Built with WordPress

    Why WordPress? Over the past years, I have spent many hours tinkering with the web and testing various project ideas, some successful, some not.  I have always ‘bootstrapped’ my projects and ideas together and preferred to source ways to build websites myself.  I first delved into website creation software many years ago to help control project…

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  • What is Creative Platoon?

    Creative Platoon is the accumulation 0f past and present experience of two individuals; myself, Nicholas Duell and writer, Rakhee Ghelani. Bringing together the shared knowledge and experience from different professional working backgrounds, we endeavour to help Australian small businesses to succeed online.   Offering a more integrated service of managed website hosting, including managed content, and…

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