Category: WordPress
Everything that is related to WordPress really!
Yes, I can hear you say, where’s your focus? Why are you are using a pretty broad term?
Well WordPress is a focus of ours, it’s the tool of our trade really. It is the content management system of choice, so under this category you will find all sorts of guides, how to’s and tricks.
So you would like to know the difference WordPress .com and .org? is the hosted blog/CMS solution provided by Automattic, it’s uses the free WordPress software that is available at is the open source project that is the WordPress software that you and I and in fact most WordPress users use.
If you have any questions or would you like to know something in particular. Get in contact, we would love to be of an assistance to you.
Social media for SEO
In 2014, a Google official clarified that social media metrics do not affect search result rankings. Yet a quick look at business websites that have the top positions on search…
How to accelerate growth with an effective SEO strategy
Most small businesses operate with a very tight marketing budget. Without the deep pockets to run TVCs or radio ads, many were limited to flyers, mail inserts or point-of-sale materials…
Seedling Commerce
Today we officially launch our Seedling Commerce platform. Designed and developed for small business, Seedling Commerce is a flexible and scalable website platform to market and sell your products and services…
Connecting to account offers a great range of WordPress plugins, which WooCommerce calls ‘extensions’ to extend the functionality of the e-commerce plugin’s capabilities. The extensions range from email newsletter and payment gateway…
Simplify your WordPress Dashboard
One of the issues that we hear from our clients is the confusion of the standard WordPress admin interface, commonly know as the Dashboard. Generally, we find that clients think it too…
Which online payment gateway to use?
Selecting a payment gateway for your website transactions can be a very confusing process. There are so many different factors to compare and let’s face it, the required information is not aways…
Branding your WooCommerce email template
With the base install of WooCommerce, the available features to customise the WordPress email template is very basic. The options available are Header Image, Footer Text and Text and Background colour options. There is…
Mobile phone photography – How to take better product shots
Mobile phone photography has almost become an art form in itself and we are using it more and more to replace what only a couple of years ago we would…
Australia Post integration with WooComemerce
Adding Australia Post integration to your WooCommerce eCommerce store has never being easier, thanks to the number of WordPress plugins that are now available. In this post we are going to run…
Photo Clipping Paths & Deep Etching
Yesterday, we officially launched our online clipping paths and deep etching services. Originally designed to cater our own needs to simplify our lives, we decided to build a single online portal…
Australian eCommerce store with WooCommerce
When setting up a an Australian eCommerce store with WooCommerce at first you might be confused and frustrated with the focus on the good ole’ USA during the installation and set…