Category: WordPress
Everything that is related to WordPress really!
Yes, I can hear you say, where’s your focus? Why are you are using a pretty broad term?
Well WordPress is a focus of ours, it’s the tool of our trade really. It is the content management system of choice, so under this category you will find all sorts of guides, how to’s and tricks.
So you would like to know the difference WordPress .com and .org? is the hosted blog/CMS solution provided by Automattic, it’s uses the free WordPress software that is available at is the open source project that is the WordPress software that you and I and in fact most WordPress users use.
If you have any questions or would you like to know something in particular. Get in contact, we would love to be of an assistance to you.
Product Photography – 3 tips to great images
Preparing for a product photography shoot for your e-commerce website can take a a little extra time, but the rewards for your business will be priceless. Let’s run through our three points that…
Shipping Zones – Understanding WooCommerce’s new feature
With the roll out of WooCommerce 2.6, one of the many new features the update included was Shipping Zones within the newly configured shipping module. Designed to help manage the…
WooCommerce Account page fix for Genesis themes
The latest update of the WooCommerce ecommerce plugin includes a new tabbed My Account page template to a allow for easier user account navigation. Unless you have a purpose built WooCommerce…
Add Google Fonts with Kirki to the Customizer
Adding the right Google fonts to your website can be a time consuming exercise if you don’t know what you are looking for, or what particular look you are after…
New Turnkey eCommerce Websites
Turnkey eCommerce Websites – Coming very soon! We are super excited to announce something that we have been working on for the last few months. Setting up an eCommerce website today can be…
WooCommerce & Genesis Theme setup – Part 2
Part two of our WooCommerce & Genesis Theme website step by step set up guide, we install and integrate the StudioPress’s Daily Dish Pro theme. In this guide we run…
Memberships- building a free membership website
Creating a free membership portal on your website is a great way to deliver content and generate a user/email list. In this quick guide we run through how to set…
Using our free stock images
Having recently moved our free stock images to a new license system to allow folk to use our images commercially in printed material. We still wanted to offer users the ability…
Adding a shop menu on a Genesis themed website
Two menus by default are built into most WordPress themes built with the Genesis framework, these are the primary and secondary menus. Generally these menus are great to use when building…
How to select a plugin from
The WordPress plugin directory is one of the great benefits of WordPress for many people. The hundreds and hundreds of plugins offer a wide variety of solutions for functionality and design…
Adding charactor to your Author Page
The default author page template within WordPress lists an author’s latest posts in a chronological list. We can use this page to build a awesome about page for your blog/website…