Our Blog

Stay ahead of the curve with the latest insights from Duelling Pixels’ blog. We share valuable tips, industry trends, and best practices in web design, ecommerce, and digital marketing to help you keep your business at the forefront of innovation. 

  • Women shopping for jewelry in sunlit boutique

    Why Small Retailers Should Adopt Online Marketplace Software for Growth

    Introduction The retail landscape is rapidly evolving, and independent store owners are familiar with the pressure of adapting. Managing a retail business has never been more complex, from handling inventory to engaging with customers online. In addition to the challenges brought by the rise of e-commerce giants, it’s easy to feel like a small fish…

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  • Online marketing with drip-feed content

    Drip-feed content via your WordPress website

    Controlling the delivery of content to a user via a drip-feed membership website is a great way to establish yourself as an authority, while maintaining control on how your users digest the content. In this post we will run through setting up a drip fed online self help guide that will deliver a new article each…

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  • Building a free membership website has never been easier

    Memberships- building a free membership website

    Creating a free membership portal on your website is a great way to deliver content and generate a user/email list. In this quick guide we run through how to set up a free membership section on your WordPress website at no cost to you.

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  • Using our free stock images

    Using our free stock images

    Having recently moved our free stock images to a new license system to allow folk to use our images commercially in printed material. We still wanted to offer users the ability to use our image for free. Introducing Exchange a free license for our stock images All the images available on Duelling Pixels Photos can be…

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  • E-commece-menu

    Adding a shop menu on a Genesis themed website

    Two menus by default are built into most WordPress themes built with the Genesis framework, these are the primary and secondary menus. Generally these menus are great to use when building an e-commerce store, but sometimes there can be a little confusion for the website administrator on which menu to use for each store menu item…

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  • How to select a plugin from WordPress.org

    How to select a plugin from WordPress.org

    The WordPress plugin directory is one of the great benefits of WordPress for many people.  The hundreds and hundreds of plugins offer a wide variety of solutions for functionality and design for one’s WordPress install.  The options are almost endless and it truly shows the power of an mature open source community. For many this is also…

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  • Our Stock Photos are back!!

    After rebuilding our stock image library for the past two months, we are very excited to announce that our stock images are back. Hosting a free stock image library was fun and a great way to attract a new audience. Although we got many requests about using our images commercially in printed medium, that was…

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  • Adding charactor to your Author Page

    The default author page template within WordPress lists an author’s latest posts in a chronological list. We can use this page to build a awesome about page for your blog/website that displays information about yourself followed by your latest blog posts.  Using a child theme on the genesis framework the post will run through adjusting the…

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  • Minimal Sidebar – Our first free Genesis theme

    We are very excited to announce the Minimal Sidebar, the first of a series of free Genesis themes that we will be launching this year. Designed after Nick set himself the task last year of finding a better way to bring responsive behaviour to the individual widget areas in the sidebar. Minimal Sidebar breaks up…

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  • Common blogging mistakes by small business

    Blogging? Are you making these mistakes too?

    1. Not blogging at all! (Whether you think you are above blogging, or you think it’s not your thing, or you can’t write.) Well, say you are going to a business conference this weekend, would you go there and not say anything at all? What if a conference participant (who could also be a potential…

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  • Goodbye Creative Platoon, hello Duelling Pixels

    After months of going to and fro in my mind, I have conceded that by branding all of my ideas under their own individual names, I was making our lives very complicated! Managing several web brands is hard work, there is the blogging, management of the websites and platform software, the communication to users, and…

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