Our Blog

Stay ahead of the curve with the latest insights from Duelling Pixels’ blog. We share valuable tips, industry trends, and best practices in web design, ecommerce, and digital marketing to help you keep your business at the forefront of innovation. 

  • Women shopping for jewelry in sunlit boutique

    Why Small Retailers Should Adopt Online Marketplace Software for Growth

    Introduction The retail landscape is rapidly evolving, and independent store owners are familiar with the pressure of adapting. Managing a retail business has never been more complex, from handling inventory to engaging with customers online. In addition to the challenges brought by the rise of e-commerce giants, it’s easy to feel like a small fish…

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    4 Steps for a Successful Website Project – #4 Basic Tech Elements

    Basic Technical Elements Now that you’ve gone through the key planning processes, you should have a clearer idea of what your needs are. Next step is to decide on the technical nuts and bolts. DOMAIN NAME Got your business domain name purchased? Don’t leave this one until the last minute, in case someone beats you…

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    #3 Design & Functionality – Successful Website Project

    Website Design & Functionality Website design & functionality go together like a jigsaw puzzle. Ultimately a really successful website works when the pieces fit together like they were made for each other. To establish what pieces you’ll need to build your website, you do need to work out a few things upfront: Decide on the…

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    #2 Branding & Visual Elements – Successful Website Project

    Branding & Visual Elements Branding and visual elements are not just pretty things to brighten up your website, they convey a message to your audience, and most importantly – it’s what the unconscious mind of your audience connects with. Your branding is made up of a number of elements including your business name, your logo,…

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    #1 Content & Copy – Successful Website Project

    Content & Copy MAKE A PLAN Whether you’re going to outsource this task or do it yourself, start with an outline or draw a mind map of all the sections required, as well as how they link together: About Page Home Page Every individual Product/Service Page/s Testimonials/Portfolio Page Specific sales pages Blog posts Contact You…

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    New Series – 4 Steps for a Successful Website Project

    Does planning your website make you feel like your head’s going to explode? Just don’t know where to start?   If you’re going around in circles trying to work out what you need for your new website, and getting confused about the many pieces of the website puzzle, tune in over the next 4 weeks…

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  • {FAQ} How to Start a Blog

    We hear this question a lot, and the simple answer is – there’s no simple answer! There are so many different website platforms and this alone can make the process confusing.  It really depends on the following questions: What are your goals with blogging? Where are you in the process? What’s your level of comfort…

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    Don’t launch your new website without checking these 7 things

    Here’s the short version of our website launch checklist of what you MUST check before you share your new site with the world.   Navigation & Menu Structure Check it seems logical; will people understand what each menu option means and be able to find what they’re looking for? Click on every menu option to…

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  • escape the 9-5

    When Working 9-5 is a Waste of Your Talents

    A bit of a soap-box rant from me today, inspired by a conversation with mums from school, on finding part-time work. While we watched our Grade 1’s swimming lessons we were chatting about finding part-time jobs. Jobs for women who may have been out of the workforce for years after growing up their families. Jobs…

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  • Ready, Set, Go!

    Our Free Website Planning eGuide & Checklist

    We’ve created a little something for you: Plan for website success with our 4-step Website Planning eGuide & Checklist. Confused about hosting? Don’t know your DNS from your Domain Name? Totally blocked when it comes to writing your copy? Or just DO NOT KNOW where to start with creating your website? Read the 4 things…

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  • Creative Platoon Free Stock Photos

    Free Stock Images

    I don’t know about you, but most bloggers I know are ALWAYS on the hunt for good stock images for their website, and FREE always makes them more attractive! Nicholas is always snapping away wherever we go, and we realised that he should make use of his photos more, so we started sending them out…

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